To Kinima Tou Ethnous is a Greek Diaspora organization that seeks to leverage Greece's greatest natural resource, its people, to influence Greek politics and involve the diaspora in the political process of Greece.

Featured Articles

Little Things Greek Americans Don’t Know About Local Greeks

Written By: Will Anagnos

I had a conversation with my sister recently about all the things that surprised her when she moved from America to Greece. It’s pretty interesting, watching her absorb all the same minor cultural shocks I experienced when I left for Greece a few years prior. Let’s say you want to settle down with a nice Greek guy – which my sister has been considering. Chances are, if he’s under 35, he probably still lives with his mother.

Top Issues Facing Greece in 2025

Written By: Alexandros

As the Greek Diaspora continues to monitor Greece from afar, embracing the new year presents an annual opportunity to reflect on the recent past of our great nation and consider its near future. This article will primarily be occupied with predicting the most pressing issues facing Greece in 2025, and showcasing KTE’s unique policy prescription for the Hellenic government. Demographics 2025 will be a year of shifting demographics. Last year, countless international news agencies published stories about the burgeoning demographic crisis in Greece.

Why Greece should leave the E.U.

Written By: Dimitri Karnavas

The Greece we know today was born when Greek patriots declared independence from the Ottomans in 1821, fighting multiple costly wars for years against the Turks, who had amassed a European empire and enslaved Greeks for over three hundred years. While our ancestors bravely fought their oppressors and established independence from the Turks over two centuries ago, the European Union today curtails our independence and sovereignty in trade, immigration, and defense.

A Greek American’s Guide to Joining the Greek Military

Written By: Christophoros

For this article, KTE interviewed multiple Greek-Americans who have completed their military training in Greece. We cover the long journey toward securing approval to enlist, plus all the do’s and don’ts of entering into Greek military service. Keep in mind the information in this article is dependent on many factors, such as where your basic training occurs, length of time served, etc. Those seriously interested in military service should supplement reading this article by watching online informational videos like this one prior to enlisting.

Press Releases

Greece must defend Orthodox Christians from the radical Jihadist advance in Syria

Written By: KTE Executive Board

Over the course of the last week, radical Jihadists have resumed the Civil War in Syria. They have already captured Aleppo and Hama, two cities with a large Greek Orthodox presence in Syria. This group poses a significant threat to Orthodox populations, as they have been armed and aided by Turkey, the United States and Israel, who all seek the destruction of the Assad regime. Their advance south towards Homs will run directly through a group of predominantly Greek villages in the Valley of the Christians.

Official Statement on the 2024 Presidential Election

Written By: Alexandros

Regardless of the 2024 presidential election results, KTE believes that America is plagued by issues far greater than a single election can resolve. The only policy objective that KTE holds in the United States is the promotion of Hellenic identity and Orthodox religious spirituality within its borders. We are not convinced that a Trump victory necessarily supports or opposes our goals for the Hellenic Diaspora. We urge President-elect Donald Trump to take decisive action regarding the illegal occupation of Cyprus, and we hope the policy of domestic and military support for the Hellenic Republic continues.

Recent Articles

Little Things Greek Americans Don’t Know About Local Greeks

Written By: Will Anagnos

I had a conversation with my sister recently about all the things that surprised her when she moved from America to Greece. It’s pretty interesting, watching her absorb all the same minor cultural shocks I experienced when I left for Greece a few years prior. Let’s say you want to settle down with a nice Greek guy – which my sister has been considering. Chances are, if he’s under 35, he probably still lives with his mother.

Top Issues Facing Greece in 2025

Written By: Alexandros

As the Greek Diaspora continues to monitor Greece from afar, embracing the new year presents an annual opportunity to reflect on the recent past of our great nation and consider its near future. This article will primarily be occupied with predicting the most pressing issues facing Greece in 2025, and showcasing KTE’s unique policy prescription for the Hellenic government. Demographics 2025 will be a year of shifting demographics. Last year, countless international news agencies published stories about the burgeoning demographic crisis in Greece.

Why Greece should leave the E.U.

Written By: Dimitri Karnavas

The Greece we know today was born when Greek patriots declared independence from the Ottomans in 1821, fighting multiple costly wars for years against the Turks, who had amassed a European empire and enslaved Greeks for over three hundred years. While our ancestors bravely fought their oppressors and established independence from the Turks over two centuries ago, the European Union today curtails our independence and sovereignty in trade, immigration, and defense.

A Greek American’s Guide to Joining the Greek Military

Written By: Christophoros

For this article, KTE interviewed multiple Greek-Americans who have completed their military training in Greece. We cover the long journey toward securing approval to enlist, plus all the do’s and don’ts of entering into Greek military service. Keep in mind the information in this article is dependent on many factors, such as where your basic training occurs, length of time served, etc. Those seriously interested in military service should supplement reading this article by watching online informational videos like this one prior to enlisting.

Macedonia: Unpacking its Greek history, struggle, and identity

Written By: Ioannis

Macedonia has long been contested not only for its historical significance, but also for the geopolitical position it holds. An area steeped in history, it is known as the home of one of the greatest Greeks to have ever lived. Today, more than ever, it is important for Greeks old and young alike to preserve the Hellenistic and cultural legacy that the name “Macedonia” holds, as well as remembering the sacrifices of countless heroes who died to defend its heritage.

Top American Universities Offering Hellenic Studies

Written By: Christophoros

When I was busy choosing a college to entrust with my postsecondary education, picking one that taught Hellenic studies was far from my mind. It’s surprising because I grew up in a strong Greek-American household, and embracing my Greek identity took center stage all throughout childhood. Then a funny thing happened. I signed up for a core requirement class during my freshman year of college and, luckily, the professor happened to be Greek.

Interviewing for Greek Citizenship? Here’s Three Keys To Success

Written By: Christophoros

Obtaining Greek Citizenship through naturalization requires applicants to successfully pass an interview conducted by a government official, in accordance with Article 10 of the Greek Nationality Code. Of course, not everyone pursuing citizenship needs to go the naturalization route – only those whose parents weren’t citizens, and therefore must link their ancestry through a more distant relative, such as a grandparent or uncle. Many people are curious about what the interview entails, and the easiest way to explain it is by characterizing the test as a measure of one’s Greekness.

Economics Or Values: What’s Really Behind Greece’s Population Decline?

Written By: KTE Executive Board

Brain drain. Declining birth and fertility rates. Low economic mobility. The numbers are staggering: so far in 2024, Greece’s birth rate has been 6.87 births per 1,000 people. That’s less than half the birth rate in Turkey, which is 14.69 per 1,000 people this year. Greece’s population has been declining for over a decade now, with a 3.1% drop in population from 2011 to 2021. It’s all bad news for Greece and it’s all connected.

Why We Gave Our Children Greek Citizenship

Written By: Penelope Conomos Benis

I’ll admit that at first, the little voice in my head was screaming “Όχι!” when my husband suggested we obtain our children their Greek citizenship. At the time, my three sons were aged seven, eight and nine. Internally, I went back and forth with myself about the possible benefits and risks. Externally, we began to initiate the process. My father, who was a first generation Greek-American originating from Kythira, strongly objected.

5 Ways to Get Your Greek Citizenship Done Faster

Written By: Christophoros

As many in the Greek Diaspora know all too well, getting your Greek Citizenship can be a long and difficult process. This is because people are often stuck communicating with the Greek government through consulates and embassies in America, which are often understaffed and poor at communication. We at KTE have heard countless stories from Greeks living all over the world about how hard it is to track down all the necessary documents to make their Greek citizenry official, even after multiple years into the process.

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