Greek youth

Why We Gave Our Children Greek Citizenship

Written By: Penelope Conomos Benis

I’ll admit that at first, the little voice in my head was screaming “Όχι!” when my husband suggested we obtain our children their Greek citizenship. At the time, my three sons were aged seven, eight and nine. Internally, I went back and forth with myself about the possible benefits and risks. Externally, we began to initiate the process. My father, who was a first generation Greek-American originating from Kythira, strongly objected.

What KTE’s Founders Learned Working at a Greek Restaurant in Greece

Written By: Christophoros

This summer my brother and I lived out the Greek American dream: we spent a season working for free at a Greek restaurant in Greece. Working in our homeland, a place our Pappou fled after WWII, was extremely eye-opening and one of the richest life experiences we have shared together. My brother Alexandros and I are open and honest about the fact that we are Greek Americans, not Greeks. However, like many Greek Americans, we crave a return to Greece and felt its call grow in the truest sense from everything we learned working at Medusa Milos, one of the best authentic restaurants in all of Greece.