Greek Economy

Q+A with Alexandros Benis: Putting Our Founder On The Hot Seat

Written By: KTE Executive Board

Q: Why should someone like you, Alexandros, have any right to come into Greece, point problems out, and try to clean up the system – when you didn’t grow up in the system? Alexandros Benis (A.B.): “Let’s answer that by using the example of those who like to criticize the fact that I don’t speak fluent Greek. Unfortunately, I’m a product of a generation of Greeks who came to America and did not want to pass the Greek language to their children: they wanted to assimilate as quickly as possible.

Understanding What Greek Americans Can Do for Greece

Written By: Alexandros

When I think of solving the problems that Greece has today, my solutions almost always include the capacity of the Greek Diaspora to help Greece return to its former economic, social, and cultural glory. Everyone knows the economic hardships affecting Greece right now. Chief among them is the Greek government’s allowance of foreign national corporations to buy up land, inflate the cost of living, and siphon profits back to their home countries.

The Case For (And Against) Nationalizing Vital Industries in Greece

Written By: Alexandros

What is the purpose of the government when it comes to making economic decisions? The modern political landscape is entirely monolithic as it relates to its nearly religious dedication to free market capitalism. However, much of the justification for such economic policies is founded upon certain presuppositions that KTE does not subscribe to. Before you can form economic policy, you must first define the roles of the state and outline its responsibilities.

Greece is my Medicine

Written By: Christophoros

Greece is my medicine. Many other Greeks living abroad know what I mean when I say this – I need to visit the homeland of my ancestors regularly to reconnect with the culture, language and spiritual traditions I have admired all my life. Diaspora Greeks are part of a uniquely split identity between the Greek heritage we treasure and the Western environment our relatives willingly sought out. Yes, my ancestors fled Greece after WWII in pursuit of greater economic promises, but now that those promises have been fully explored and American society has fundamentally changed for the worse, I crave a permanent return to Greece for myself and my future children.

Understanding the Greek Tax Code and the Impact of Potential Tax Cuts

Written By: Anastasios

The Greek tax code has long been a topic of intense discussion and scrutiny, both domestically and internationally. Greece’s financial landscape, marked by the aftermath of a severe debt crisis and stringent austerity measures, has been shaped significantly by its tax policies. This article aims to provide an overview of the Greek tax code and analyze the benefits of lowering taxes in Greece while also addressing the common arguments against doing so.