The Need for Right-Wing Consolidation in Greece

Photo of the Hellenic Parliament at night.

As of the European Parliament election results, nationalist parties in Greece account for nearly 20% of the Greek electorate. This would place the combined nationalist parties in the second place spot, ahead of left-wing SYRIZA and center-left PASOK. However, given the fragmentation of the Nationalist space in Greece, the support is distributed between 4 separate polling parties, with further fragmentation resulting from voters being drawn to the large center-right party Nea Dimokratia as well as several smaller right-wing parties that fail to garner the necessary 1% to register on polls.

2024 Greece Election Results

The need for consolidation is painfully obvious – the ideas of nationalist groups in Greece are massively popular, despite the circus that was Golden Dawn’s tenure in the Greek parliament and its subsequent banning in 2020 and Spartiates in 2024. Patriotic values remain strong in Greece despite the current persecution of nationalist politicians that have put a stranglehold on the old party apparatuses that existed in the past. With the existing political turmoil following the rightward shift away from New Democracy, many political opportunists have been trying to capitalize on the mobilization of Greek society against the string of anti-Hellenic catastrophes in parliament. These new right-wing parties have emerged without coordination or cooperation, dividing support to the degree that certain parties will not meet the 3% threshold to gain a seat in the European Parliament, depriving nationalist voters the opportunity to have their voices heard in the European Congress, thereby hurting the chances of nationalism’s growth in Greece.

With the recent gay marriage bill and the expulsion of the Spartiates from the European ballot, the writing is on the wall: all Hellenic patriots and nationalists must consolidate and create a new coalition that truly opposes the globalist system. The creation and platform of this party must be done with two objectives in mind: firstly, to affirm the place of the Orthodox Church in society and subordinate politics and society to the will of God rather than the will of politicians, and secondly, to enshrine the Greek people as the sole beneficiaries of government policies, removing all foreign elements from government policy and decision making. KTE believes that these parties should receive our exclusive support, and parties that uphold these values must cooperate however possible.

Any party that tries to create a platform without these two principles is ushering in the death of Hellenic society, and only political actors who expressly support these ideas should be considered as an option for any Greek voter. The political scene has been cracked open, and nationalist ideals have yet another opportunity to dominate Greek politics. However, without consolidation, patriotic voices will never reach their full potential.
